Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About ITB Engineering Physics
The following are some questions regarding ITB Engineering Physics that are frequently asked. Some questions and answers on this page are directed towards the general public, including those who are considering on enrolling in the graduate program. For questions and answers that are specifically directed for high school (or equivalent) students that are interested in the undergraduate program, there will be a separate page that is currently being developed.
What is Engineering Physics?
Engineering Physics is a discipline that studies engineering principles using an in-depth scientific approach. It differentiates with other engineering disciplines which tend to specialize in studying a certain field of engineering. ITB Engineering Physics has a distinct curriculum that covers all engineering fields including the fundamentals of electronics, mechanics, materials, design, and industrial processes. Therefore, graduates of Engineering Physics have an advantage which is the ability to bridge science and engineering in the process of problem solving.
Is Engineering Physics a part of the Physics program?
No, it is not. Like other universities, ITB offers a Physics program (undergraduate and graduate) which is under the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam or FMIPA). The difference in the Engineering Physics and Physics programs lies in various aspects including the curriculum structure as well as the awarded degree upon completing each program. Graduates of the Physics program have qualifications in the scientific field and the program awards Sarjana Sains (S.Si.) degree for undergraduates (equivalent to BS in Physics) and Magister Sains (M.Si.) degree for the master’s program (equivalent to MS in Physics). Graduates of the Engineering Physics program have qualifications in engineering and the program awards Sarjana Teknik (S.T.) degree for undergraduates (equivalent to BS in Engineering) and Magister Teknik (M.T.) degree for the master’s program (equivalent to MS in Engineering). Graduates of the Engineering Physics program can also continue to enroll in the Professional Engineering program and join di Indonesian Association for Professional Engineers.
What is the Engineering Physics ‘community’?
As time progresses, academic programs that are available at ITB also grows in quantity. The term ‘community’ is added to a group that offers some programs (undergraduate and graduate) in the same scope of study. Today, the ITB Engineering Physics community provides the undergraduate program for Engineering Physics, master’s program for Engineering Physics, master’s program for Instrumentation and Control, and doctorate program for Engineering Physics.
Where do Engineering Physics graduates typically work?
With a wide knowledge background, Engineering Physics graduates have the opportunity to work in broad areas, from process industries like petrochemical as well as oil and gas, manufacturing industry, service industry, research, even entrepreneurship. Profiles of the Engineering Physics community alumni can be seen on the page in this link.
I am not a graduate of Engineering Physics; can I continue my study in the programs offered by the ITB Engineering Physics community?
It depends on the background of your prior education. If you are a graduate of other fields of engineering and science, you can enroll in the programs offered by the ITB Engineering Physics Community. For more information, please read the information available under the ‘Academic Programs’ menu on the menu bar above.
Are there sub-majors in Engineering Physics?
Lulusan dari prodi S1 / S2 Teknik Fisika atau S2 Instrumentasi dan Kontrol akan tetap memiliki gelar Sarjana / Magister dari program yang ditempuh tanpa ada keterangan sub-jurusan tertentu pada transkrip (kecuali jika mengambil minor di prodi komunitas lain di ITB). Akan tetapi mulai tahun ajaran 2019/2020, kurikulum terbaru sarjana TF menyediakan pilihan spesialisasi bagi mahasiswa di tingkat tiga yang terdiri dari:
  • IInstrumentation and Control
  • Building Physics
  • Energy and Thermal Systems
  • Material Processing
For the master’s program, there are four paths that you can choose from. Further information can be seen on this page.
If I enroll to the ITB Engineering Physics Program, will I have a chance to participate in international programs or even continue my study in foreign institutions?
Yes, for all programs offered by the ITB Engineering Physics community, the chance to have an international learning or research experience is readily available. From student exchange programs, summer schools, and double degree programs are available in some programs. You can access the international and networks  page to see track records of programs and networks built with foreign universities and institutions.