PhD in Engineering Physics (S3 TF)

The Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) PhD in Engineering Physics program (S3 TF) is a program that is designed to give advanced level engineering skills that are specific, based on current and emerging technological trends.


To be a PhD in Engineering Physics program that is acknowledge in the national, regional, and international stage.


  • Provide education that produces graduates who are able to independently design, operate, and analyze systems that involve multiscale technology and multifaceted physics.
  • Provide a cohesive learning environment that is able to improve education quality, research, development, and professional services on fields that are related to engineering physics, which includes measurement and sensor systems, building physics and acoustics, material processing and computation, built environment physics, energy systems, and system automation.
I. Purpose of Education
The main purpose of the PhD in Engineering Physics program is to educate human resources in the attainment of knowledge and skills of research that is in alignment with level 9 learning outcomes in the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia or KKNI). Specifically, graduates of the Engineering Physics Master’s Program will at the very least have the following profile:

Have the capability to improve themselves into successful professionals that holds competitive positions in industry, government, research institutions, or academia that is in-line with the engineering physics field of study.

Have the capability to manage and develop research as well as expand the engineering physics body of knowledge that is beneficial to humankind and is nationally or internationally recognized.

Have the capability to continue their graduate studies to pursue a doctorate degree or become a researcher who are able to develop the latest science and technology as well as to uphold professionalism, ethics, and the will to study throughout life. .

II. PhD in Engineering Physics program
Program studi Doktor Teknik Fisika Institut Teknologi Bandung dirancang untuk memberikan kemampuan lebih mendalam pada bidang engineering yang spesifik, berdasarkan pada perkembangan teknologi terkini dan kecenderungan perkembangan teknologi masa depan. Latar belakang pengetahuan yang diperoleh pada program sarjana dan magister dapat memadai untuk memulai program Doktor Teknik Fisika, yang menyediakan beberapa bidang riset, yaitu:
  1. Instrumentation and Control
  2. Intelligent System
  3. Building Physics and Acoustics
  4. Computational Acoustics
  5. Optical Instrumentation
  6. Material Processing and Computation
  7. Special Functional Materials


Plase click here to see the Engineering Physics PhD Program curriculum.
General Requirements & Admission Form
Admission requirements and registration of graduate programs can be seen in the website

Further information and admission selection timeline can be obtained through: 

Academic Administration Office of The ITB PhD in Engineering Physics program 

TP Rachmat (Labtek VI) Building 2nd floor, Institut Teknologi Bandung 

Ganesha Street No. 10, Bandung, 40132 

Fax.: +62-222-506-281 ext. 136, 137.