Gedung Teknik Fisika Labtek VI
Gedung TP Rachmat (Labtek VI), Institut
Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha No.10,
Kota Bandung, Indonesia 40132
Phone: +62 22 250 4424
Fax: +62 22 250 6281
About Engineering Physics ITB
Engineering Physics is a discipline that is here to evolve knowledge and technology which constantly develops as time progresses. Historically, Engineering Physics was mainly developed by Europeans, namely the Dutch, where the discipline has existed since the mid-20th century. Contextually, the discipline rose from the realization of universities that there is a need for an engineering education that provides strong fundamentals in physics and mathematics that is broad and up to date with the latest technological development. Therefore, this discipline is hoped to be able to bridge and even close the gap between science and engineering, as well as contribute to the development of engineering and technology.
In the case of Indonesia, ITB Engineering Physics is the oldest Engineering Physics program in Indonesia. Even though the official name ‘Engineering Physics’ was first used in 1959, the program has existed since a decade earlier with the name ‘Natuurkundig Ingenieur Afdeling’ in Dutch. The founding of the Engineering Physics program has hopes of being a global pioneer in various research and engineering work that brings value to society today and in the future.
With the vision and mission to pioneer the development of technology, students of Engineering Physics must be prepared with strong fundamentals in physics and mathematics. Students are also given other engineering related knowledge that prepare them to contribute to the real-world workforce that is dynamic in nature, as well as being initiators of change. With quality materials, ITB Engineering Physics is confident in producing graduates that are capable to work in various engineering fields, research, and other endeavours in all stages of technological development.
In observing current development that is quite oriented towards jobs that are based on new technology, the demand of engineers that have interdisciplinary skillsets and that are adaptable are surely rising. This benefits ITB Engineering Physics graduates that are frequently exposed to various topics and materials from multiple scientific fields during their study. It is clear that ITB Engineering Physics prepares students to be future-proof graduates!
Regarding the teaching programs, we invite the reader to further review the programs that are available in ITB Engineering Physics. The undergraduate program (award a bachelor’s degree) guides young talents in being able to solve more fundamental problems, while the graduate programs (masters and doctorate) emphasize the involvement of students in understanding and solving real engineering problems in the scope of the field.
Specifically, ITB Engineering Physics have research groups which are the Instrumentation and Control Research Group, Engineering Physics Research Group, Building Physics Research Group, and the Advanced Functional Material Research Group. ITB Engineering Physics also provides research topics that cover a wide spectrum, including built environments, vibration and acoustics, industrial instrumentation and automation systems, medical instrumentation and technology, optical measurements, advanced control systems, energy management, as well as nano and biomaterial science. From the numerous research groups and topics, there have been many alumni that embody and solidify the vision and missions of ITB Engineering physics.
Gedung TP Rachmat (Labtek VI), Institut
Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha No.10,
Kota Bandung, Indonesia 40132
Phone: +62 22 250 4424
Fax: +62 22 250 6281